The Bennett's Bastards Series
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do you use generative AI in your books?
A. No, I don't. While sometimes I think it might be easier, and maybe I would produce more work (and make more money) if I did use AI, my personal ethics do not align with the current models of generative AI or how it is trained. Meaning that all my books do in fact come from my slow as fuck brain, are sent lovingly to my fingers and their exceedingly average typing skills, and eventually sent out into the world for people to read.
Q. Why are there so many spelling mistakes in your books?
A. The short answer is, there isn't. I'm Australian, and the majority of my books are set in Australia. This means I write my books using the language I grew up with (British English) and we simply spell things differently than Americans.
Q. Where can I read your books for free?
A. First of all, if you sign up for my newsletter, you can grab a copy of Third Time Lucky for free as a thank you and welcome gift. Otherwise, there are many wonderful libraries both online and in real life that stock my books, and if they don't have them, you can always request them. You can also find all of my books in Kobo Plus, which is just like Kindle Unlimited only more accessible for authors and cheaper for readers.
Q. Do your books need to be read in order?
A. No. All of my books are stand-alone stories that can be read in any order, BUT, the family and friend connections surrounding the main couple will make more sense if you read the books in order.
Q. Where can I get a reading list of your books?
A. You can find a list of all my books, including future releases, HERE!
Q. If I send you my paperback copy of your book, will you sign it for me and post it back?
A. Sorry, but, no. To be honest, the postal service in Australia is insanely expensive, plus I can't guarantee your book won't get lost in the mail. But I do have signed bookplates available in my Payhip store, which is a much more affordable option, and won't risk losing your book.
Q. Do you have any Special Editions coming out?
A. Sadly, not yet. I really want to do special editions of my books but as a small indie author, they can be very expensive and I don't currently have the budget to do them. But I am hoping to do something for the Brisbane Bachelors for BABE in 2025 (but no promises).
Q. When is your next book coming out?
A. The Drag Race Debutante and The Detectives, The Boss Babe CEO and The Scoundrel and Porn Star will all arrive in 2025 (no exact dates). This may also change depending on my 'real world' life such as working at the dreaded day job and family commitments.
Q. Who will the next Bennett's Bastards book be about?
A. My readers voted and it has been decided that Crispin Bennett will be the next Bennett to fall head over heels in love (mwhahahaha!)​
Q. What does the Q stand for in The Q Collection?
A. Quick and Quirky. The Q Collection is a series of short stories, each capturing a single moment in each character's lives.
Q. Is The Q Collection be available in print?
A. Yes! Quirky: The Complete Q Collection is available now in ebook and paperback!